Alright I admit it! I confess! I’m a self-proclaimed enemy of the ordinary. What else would you expect from a business creativity and innovation evangelist? In an era where competition is fierce, the marketplace is cluttered, economic instability is squeezing budgets and technology is leaving many in its wake, taking a creative approach to running your business (bricks or clicks) …
Let’s get down to the business of creativity
Throw the word creativity at most business people and you can usually count on one of the following reactions. They recoil in horror, bearing an uncanny resemblance to a deer caught in the headlights. Roll their eyes and smirk as if to say, “I run a business, not an art school”. Check to see if you’ve got two heads. OR …
3 ways for the seriously stuck to get better ideas
Ask any ‘creative’ person and they’ll tell you that coming up with ideas isn’t always as easy as they make it seem. People appear to have the notion creativity is something you can simply turn on and off like a tap (or faucet, depending on which side of the pond you’re on) when the situation demands. Those same people are …
Let’s de-mythtify creativity
Think you’re not creative huh? In business terms creativity is crucial – especially in the face of growing competition, limited budgets, the demand to do more with less and an environment where the old ways of marketing don’t work any more. Yet when I consult with and coach business owners on taking a more creative approach to their business, they immediately …